
My little Concern about Shanzhai Eink

Hi Jet,

Thank you for your reply. That’s what I think because my friend at Shenzhen also went to Dubai fair last week.

I am a students at IU Law School and a coordinator at Center of Applied Cybersecurity Research. I was thrilled by the coming out of E900 because Kindle DX has been monopolizing the market for so long. I am not working for a company. Hopefully that would not disappoint you. But personally, I would like to market the product in our school if possible.

If E900 could have a perfect support of pdf format (we will see when it comes out), people at law school would love to give this product a shot cuz we read tons of cases, most of which are available as pdf files. Plus its wifi capability, E900 would be a huge hit in the market.

Market your product as an environmental friendly tool for immersive and enjoyable reading experiences. Environment concern is an important aspect of marketing in US. For example, many Universities in the US are trying to implement some environmental friendly projects. Promoting the common use of Eink reader is a good way to achieve that goal.
Some rumors went out that you guys are just doing OEM work. But if you want to market your own brand, speed up the timeline cuz for the whole year, November and December is the most important period of time to occupy the market. More than 30% sales of the year would occur in these two months. You would want to get into the market before everyone gets a kindle DX.

People hate DX cuz it doesn’t perfectly support pdf, because it doesn’t have wifi, because it’s way too expensive...
BUT people have to love DX cuz it is the only 9.7 inch eink reader available in the market right now!

Thank you for your time. I support “made in China”. Guohuo rocks.

I am currently using a Kindle 2, But I have been always wanting to have a 9.7 inch PERFECT-PDF-SUPPROT reader. If possible, please let me know how much the retail price would be in US.

Alex Kong


Let Life Be Beautiful Like Autumn Leaves

The Painter of Bloomington

Sample Gate

Pink Nation Concert Stage

Dog Tail Grass -_-

Arts Museum



Friday Liberties

JD/LLM Socctoberfest
I still have no idea why this soccer match is called Socctoberfest. I tried to look this word up in dictionary but ended up with nothing. Even got no more clues from Google. But anyway, it is just a name, isn't it? I played yellow defense and got to know my teammate Mario. Yes! Mario, presumably to be good judging solely from the name. SO, Do you guys serve MUSHROOM here? We Yellow are badly in need of a Super Mario to kick gay purple's ass.

I also have no idea why these (see pic above) are called rolls. To me, rolls are things like wraps which are supposed to be folded and stuffed with meats and vegetables. But look at these little babies. They are technically balls. In appearance, they look finger-licking sweet. But don't judge too soon. They are virtually salty. That's just what biscuits taste like.

Red lobster tail and Kings Crab legs
These are the most mouthwatering foods tonight. No need to dwell on how yummy they are. The picture explains by itself.


今天去了法学院的Official Naming Ceremony。听了8个非常boring的演讲。校长千不该万不该,把即将上台演说的法官名字读错了。这个法官真是我们的噩梦,超级会讲,运用了无数的排比,台下的观众都要睡着了。在台上我意外地发现了上学期合同法上的同桌,乍看是一个假小子,仔细看其实是个大美女,很有灵气的那种,她如今变成了这笔巨大捐赠的trustee,坐在上面巨帅。演说大家都听得身心俱疲,终于到了reception的时间,我顺手抄起一杯white wine咣咣咣立马就干净了,扑哧着我那大红脸借着酒兴跑去找Micheal Maurer寒暄,居然给我搞到一张合影。在此感谢专业的业余摄影师HYF童鞋。
接下来是opera时间: 脑残的意大利歌剧,坐在第一排看字幕很累。听一句崩溃的意大利台词就得抬头看一眼英语翻译,唉,我仿佛都能听到脖子嘎吱嘎吱在抗议了!唱歌剧的人好多已经年纪大,一身中东宫廷装束,巨没有美感。倒是乐池里的乐手们清一色纯黑,优雅的身姿,简直雅死了。不禁联想到了微软雅黑。。。这个pappataci mustafa的故事应该算是经典了吧。。。可是怎么就这么脑残。看来现代人是越来越不能欣赏这些经典的东西了,没有相关的文化背景,没有经过专业的艺术训练和熏陶,歌剧这种东西一定是越来越小众。不过在美国,似乎传承得不错,通识教育的全面,专业音乐教育的发达,演出事业的兴盛,都起到很好的传承作用。不知道更有艺术情怀的欧洲会是如何一番景象。
今天好冷,早上jogging的时候其实已经能明显感受到天气的变化。但出门的时候,我还是失误地只穿中裤和短袖。。。教授一路上都在笑我,说全布鲁明顿的人都穿毛衣了,你居然穿短袖,中裤。虽然我ignore了他的戏谑,但是走到sample gate的时候我不禁被呼啸而过的冷风激起了一个寒颤。听说。。。很多人都感冒了。。。可是。。。H1N1的疫苗还是没有上市。看来还是到学校多喝几杯热水吧。据说这个是盛产螃蟹和龙虾的季节,中国超市只卖1块多钱一磅。可惜这个破地方只有一个中国超市,老板还无良到我们中国人都不想去买。这无疑又增添了我想去大城市混迹的念头。哎,lobster呀lobster,我突然想起Phoebe曾经对Rose说, "She (Rachel) is your lobster"。
今天很高兴,because we will have a whole fish for dinner tonight. 可事实上,这条来自台湾的milk fish巨难吃。。。我知道是鱼本身的问题还是放在水槽解冻一天之后变质的问题,抑或是老太太只放pepper没有去腥的问题。。。更神奇的是她直接把蔬菜放到微波炉里微。。。什么料也不加。。。既没味道又把蔬菜清新的口感破坏殆尽,简直比生吃还难吃啊!OMG。看来做懒人是要付出代价的。
今天我去志愿当了足球队的队长,晚上帮助教授做drafts, picking team members to complete the roster.2号要去踢球鸟,希望不要选到purple,那是gay的颜色。不过在魔兽中,这是不死族的专用颜色,当初玩wow就期待自己有一匹紫色的骷髅战马,那是很拉风的。