This week is the party week of IU. People are wandering in the street in groups. At night, they will be staying up until 3am. Music and screaming were out there striking my mind followed by my heartbeat. It will keep going over and over for several more days i guess, annoyingly but invitingly.
Before coming to IU, I have heard that it is a party university. But this is the first time it proofs to me that what i heard is true. I guess the same thing is going on at other universties and schools across this country.
However, there is one exception. That is law school. For law students, this is the toughest period of time of the whole academic year. let me explain to you why.
10 minues ago, I walked into Daniel right outside of the law school interupting his enjoyment of memorizing bunch pieces of Property shit. Talking to people in english freshes my mind even though we just exchange greeting and make small talks. But it also reminds me of one important thing: GO PICK UP THE CRAPY OUTLINE AND SUCK IT UP!
And now I am writing this meaningless piece of shit. WTF!
Don't get me wrong. I am still quite happy cuz i look good today.