今天去了etiquette dinner
这是我第一次穿自己的西装 太牛逼了 可惜第一次传西装就破相了
因为赶着去一公里外的IMU (Indiana Memorial Union)参加晚餐会 不得不跨上我的山地车
我真觉得我成IU的一道风景了 我这辈子都没穿得这么牛逼过 骑着山地车
朋友都说我可以穿着这个去参加APEC会议 呵呵
到了IMU才发现原来就我和多啦穿得最正式 连领带都打了 这些美国的JD学生一个个都土死了 甚至有穿T-SHIRT来的 不由得我暗暗佩服 又一次感觉了到这个国家自由的气息
娘的 我终于会吃西餐了 可是西餐这么难吃 我干吗要学呢 真是脑子坏掉了
Today, I went to the etiquette dinner. It was my first opportunity to put on my suit. Awesome! But the fact is that the first time is always not easy. I was in a hurry to IMU, which is 1 mile away from my apartment. I had to ride my bike to catch the dinner on time.
That made me become a special scene of IU. I mean, i was riding a bicycle, wearing the best suit i could ever get! How silly would that be? My friend joked me that i could be one of those powerful guys at APEC summit.
It was not until I arrived at IMU when I found that DLzM was the person who best explained the meaning of professional dressing - I couldn't believe that he had even put on his tie! On the contrary, American JD students are casually dressed. Some were even just with T-shirts. The aura and spirit of liberty in this country gripped my heart again. It's just hard to resist.
SO, FINALLY, I learned how to eat, in a western manner!
But as bad the western food taste, why bother learning the most tedious way to disappoint myself?