转一篇好文,《给上海昨日提问的青年》,Obama Town Hall @ Shanghai
转一个关于press freedom的debate
A(德国同学): wishes the Dalai Lama could return to Tibet and put an end to
the cultural genocide of his country.
我:i have to say you are entirely wrong on this. in short, dalai lama
was one of the worst human rights violators in recent history before
1950, which is not entirely his fault since he was born into a bad
china's ethnic policies are not nearly perfect by any means, but this
dude has been full of lies for years. if you want a theocracy combined
with brutal slavery, dalai is for you. if you call better living
standards and everyone being given equal status and opportunities a
cultural genocide, then...
he is a tool of the china-hating west, and you are buying it. western
propaganda has done a very good job over the years. too bad, press
freedom oftentimes serve political agendas and don't convey the truth.
A:Lets agree to disagree!
B(与我辩论的美国女): It must feel nice to finally have freedom of speech.
If you're so frustrated with "western propaganda" then I highly suggest
considering that the very ideology that you seem comfortable railing
against, allows you to do so without restrictions placed by the
government on say, what internet site you visit, for example.
I'm a considerably liberal person and try to look at things objectively.
I don't agree with a lot of the United States dispositions and politics.
I enjoy Chinese culture and appreciate it's history, but I'm firmly
against people from any nationality, who seem to be ok with taking
advantage of the Western culture, educational system and use our
resources only to blame "western propoganda" for people's opinions. In a
system of informational freedom, intelligent people can develop their
own opinions.
我:you are absolutely right, freedom of speech is great, and i regret
that china does not have as much of it as the west, although it's
gradually making progress. and in what ways am i railing against freedom
of speech in my comments? i am all for free speech, and i take advantage
of it and express my mind.
i guess the word propaganda irks you because... Read More you think it
cannot possibly exist in a so-called free society? have you not not paid
attention to what happened in the last several years? my point is that
informational freedom does not guarantee unbiasedness and prevent
pushing political agendas.
going back to the tibet issue, i assume that you did not know dalai's
tie with the nazi's, which is conveniently never mentioned in any news
coverage, but if al quaeda were related to the nazi's. you think any
american would not be reminded of that time and again? look, press
freedom or not, every country speaks in its own interest, sometimes it
results in bias, and that's natural.
B: <
I interpret the above statement as you saying that FREE PRESS results in
untruths and political agenda. And it happens "often." That's an attack
on free speech (press = speech). You're implying that this idea of
"press freedom" is not in actuality free. Yes, I was a politically
conscious person, even during the Bush administration as you implied. I
didn't support him and didn't exactly trust a lot of what he/his
administration was saying. Why do you suppose that was? I think it was
because I was able to access (and contribute to) various news outlets. I
recommend that before alleging that ALL news outlets propagate some
Western agenda, you consider the various independent news outlets that
are affiliated with the United States and are not (eg BBC, Indian news
papers), also to which we have access.
Sure, Fox News is propaganda. Rachel Maddow, arguably propaganda too,
although she actually fact checks... But there are stark differences
between the two news sources. How, then do you reconcile this and say
"informational freedom does not guarantee unbiasedness and prevent
pushing political agendas" when there isn't a uniform political agenda,
or more specifically, people are free to propagate whatever they want?
So to answer your question: no I don't think propaganda can exist in a
free society (it's not "so called."), because there is always room for
an opposing view or information to counter it and for the very reasons I
just presented.
Did you know that Coca Cola was affiliated with the Nazis? That doesn't
mean anything. I really hope you're not insinuating that the US is only
fighting Al Quaeda because of it's affiliation with the Nazis. I'm
personally, more pissed about mass genocide and people who deny that the
free press I receive from which I make informed opinions, is not
possible. That's just me. I donno. I digress.
我:"Sure, Fox News is propaganda."
"no I don't think propaganda can exist in a free society."
those two sentences which appear in the same paragraph seem
contradictory to each other. unless my english is bad, or maybe foxnews
is in china?
free does not necessarily mean truthful. i blame those who lie under the
name of free speech, but that does not mean i hate free speech itself. i
can say that obama is a racist/communist because i want people to
believe he is a bad president, but i am also exercising my freedom at
the same time.
it's really not that hard. attacking people who abuse freedom of speech
does not equal attacking freedom of speech.
when i say there is propaganda, i refer mostly to the media's coverage
of the "perceived enemies" of the US, such as russia and china. i can
say this because i know there are blatant lies and selective reporting
all the time on china. just ask any individual from china you may know
what they think about western media's coverage of china, especially on
sensitive issues such as tibet. this may be news to you, but their
agendas on china is highly uniform to the point that they not only lie
but also make up the same lies.
why can't foxnews and msnbc be propaganda? they have different agendas
sure, but they can be pushing them nonetheless, one to the right and one
to the left:)
i do believe most coverage on american news is fair and balanced, or at
least factual. i read a lot of them and find them informative and
engaging. and i truly hope someday china could reach such a tolerance of
different opinions.
i am not suggesting anything bad about dalai because of his ties with
nazi. it could very well be that he received no bad influence from
them.and when did i suggest there is ties between al quaeda and nazi?
the tone was purely hypothetical. i am just using it as an example of
selective reporting of your media.
i am not denying freedom of speech, on the contrary, i treasure my
freedom and take it seriously.
and while i welcome more comments on the main issue, may i ask which
genocide you are referring to?
B:I'm not wasting my time reading what you wrote for these reasons:
1) You've completely missed the point I was trying to make about free
press, and just took quotes randomly out of context. They aren't even
successive. Is that something you learned from Chinese "journalism"?
2) You used emoticons in trying to make a point I'm supposed to take
This isn't a concession, I'm just acknowledging how much you might be
indoctrinated with "Eastern propaganda," and frankly I have better
things to do. Enjoy your time in the US where your views will likely
piss off the wrong person. Don't worry, we "westerners" believe in fair
我:all i have been trying to do is reason. i just make my points, never
tried to prove you wrong or anything, and my tone has been by my
standard friendly.
no need to get personal. i thought freedom of speech works better with
civility. and cracking some fun here and there does not hurt, does it?
my impression of your arguing is: i am right and above you, and that is
the state of the world. if you question me or what i believe, that just
make you more wrong and no reason is needed, and i will attack you
personally. sorry but that sounds to me not like the spirit of free
speech, does it? i thought freedom of speech is about trying to embrace
those with different ideas, not taking them down. your words sounds like
how a north korean dictator would act.
and how am i indoctrinated? you just assumed that because i am chinese
and disagree with you? i did acknowledge that china does not have the
freedom of speech as US, you think china brainwashed me into thinking
don't be afraid, the truth may be ugly, but it will set you free.
/statements. Or they won't be easily convinced.
when I elaborate such topics, on top of using examples, I like to:
1. establish western fears towards communism in general,fear is coming from
something unknown or unfamiliar.
2. what does fear generates? Hostility.
3. what does a national machine/news press typically/natually do when
touching a topic that they have hostility towards? negativity, bias.
4. on top of all that, west has feeling of being superior. that will only
fuel the negativity with arrogance.

在前一个意义上说,光棍节其实就是反情人节(Anti-Valentine's Day)。这类情绪通常在明骚分子身上反应比较明显,表达方式趋于激烈的破坏式反抗。例如,武汉大学生曾在11月11日集体上街高喊“情侣去死”的反革命口号。
从后一个意义上说,光棍节就是是单身觉醒日(Single Awareness Day)或是享受单身日(Single Appreciation Day)的意思。这类情绪通常积蓄于闷骚分子心中,因而表达方式也趋于委婉的自我肯定。例如,浙大光棍衫的热卖。同学们争相购买光棍衫,主要表达的是单身万岁,单身有理的情绪,但其实无法掩盖从内心深处透露出的惆怅心理。当然,会有恰好处于单身状态的“情场老手”跳出来说自己很enjoy单身自由的状态,曰,女人,黏者也。而且通常这些“老手”即使穿着光棍衫,也难以赢得其他真正的光棍的认同感,曰,情场老手者,非我族类,伪光棍也。但你否认也好,不认同也好,其实真伪光棍他们的情绪都是一样惆怅的,你看Single Awareness Day和Single Appreciation Day的缩写都是SAD,就是难过的意思。他们内心都是渴望脱离单身的,只不过是找一个老婆和找一个称心如意(千万不能和上次那个一样烦人)的老婆的区别。关于光棍衫,还有一个比较有意思的现象,就是买的人很多,但是穿的人很少。这就更说明了,这是一种闷骚的表达方式,闷到连穿都不敢穿出来。原因似乎很简单,光棍们天然的认为,穿出来会被人笑傻逼。所以通常是一个寝室四个单身汉一起穿出来,要傻逼就傻逼得彻底,四个一起傻逼。而且,这样很容易引起媒体的注目,像论坛狗仔队啊,心灵观光团啊。运气好就能火一把,即使运气不好被人说傻逼,大家一起傻逼嘛,也不亏。当然女生穿的话,就会是个例外。如果有一个穿着光棍衫的漂亮女生在校园晃悠,那么我可以负责任地说,此贴必火!
关于中国光棍节的来源,一直是搞不清楚的,就像你搞不清楚春哥和曾哥的粉丝都是哪里来的一样。但据私推测,其来源不外乎以下原因。首先,发明这个节日的人(或群体)必然是光棍,而且身边也不缺少和他有相同境遇的人。其次,在中文里,光棍有单身的意思在里面。这第二点其实是很重要的,因为连续的1111组合很容易就让人联想到条棍,光棍,进而才引申为单身的意思。而在下面我就要说到,同样是11月11号,在韩国不是单身节的意思,而是情人节的意思。(这部分有个不严谨的地方,就是我没有考证过,韩语里是否有类似于用光棍形容单身的表达。)因为在每年的11月11号这一天,韩国人会把一种叫做Pepero的巧克力棒送给自己最喜欢的人。(也许这就是韩国博大精深的棒子文化吧。)于是就促成了一对一对情侣的产生。这样,11月11号就成了韩国人的Couple's Day。这种东西我记得以前学校教超就有,是日本格里高公司出品的Pocky百琪饼干。
当然,也不乏有阴谋论者指责格里高公司暗中操作,为了提高Pepero的销量,人造了这个韩国的情人节。格里高公司断然否认,说这只是纯情少女的刮起的旋风。日本也曾有过一股神秘力量,企图在日本搞出一个和Pepero节一样的节日,但最后没有搞起来。私认为,从棒子在韩国的成功可以看出,日本搞一个互送A片的情人节,肯定成功,而且直接生米煮成熟饭! 我认为杜蕾斯可以和AV工厂展开切实深入全面的合作和交流。都说,没有无缘无故的爱也没有无缘无故的恨,我并不是一个民族主义者,本不应该这么去调侃韩国和日本,因为我在一个自由包容的的国度长大。
此外,本文在网路发出之后,有网友认为,11.11用“成双成对”来注释再合适不过了,刚好是两对情侣被一小点隔开, 用英文就是double date。而至于1111没有成为成双成对节,而成为了光棍节的原因,会是一个很好的研究课题。我初 步认为,有以下几点原因。首先,在已经存在两个情人节,2.14和七夕的情况下,再搞出第三个情人节的意义不大。情 侣们都去享受自己的小甜蜜去了,哪有心情像作者这样坐在电脑前胡思乱想。其次,单身寂寞的待业男青年的愤怒是很 可怕的,特别在网络世界,单身的主题容易产生一呼百应的效果,使得单身一族迅速夺取了对1111的话语权。第三,恐 惧导致攻击。单身一族,生怕1111变成了第三个情人节,采取先发制人的手段,是为对情侣们每年又过Valentine’s Day又过七夕最强有力的绝地反击,抢占他们的第三个潜力节。
小白兔说大灰狼大灰狼 你快问我是不是小白兔
大灰狼说 你是不是小白兔啊?
小白兔很高兴 是的是的我是的!!!
小白兔又说 大灰狼大灰狼 你快问我是不是长颈鹿
大灰狼很无奈 好吧。。。那。。。你是不是长颈鹿啊
小白兔朝他后脑勺一巴掌 你个笨蛋!

其实像星巴克这样的地方存在的价值简直太大了,一个小小的咖啡屋拥挤着各色各样的人。比如法学院对面这家,过来复习功课的,过来促膝长谈的,have a break的。还有我这种打酱油的。让我感慨的是一个小小的店铺竟然也可以冲出万千种不同味道的咖啡。冷的。热的。苦的。甜的。像星巴克这样的咖啡店总会被贴上传奇的标签。每个法学院教授的hypo里总会有一个是关于星巴克的;据说J.K. Rowling就是在家附近的一家星巴克写出了“哈哈哈哈哈哈哈”七步曲;星巴克的成功故事还被写成了畅销书。